Pride and Prejudice With Anne Elliot as Elizabeth Bennet

Pride and Prejudice with Anne Elliot as Elizabeth Bennet becomes an unrecognizable story, if it’s even a story at all. While it’s possible Mr. Darcy and Anne could become friends, I don’t see them falling in love with each other. Elizabeth’s “uncommon intelligent [face] by the beautiful expression of her dark eyes” 1 first drew Mr. Darcy’s attention. But it was her easy, playful manners that caught him. During that first face-to-face interaction, Elizabeth goes on to tease and refuse to dance with Darcy. Both actions increase Darcy’s interest in Elizabeth.

On the other hand, Anne’s temperament is closer to Jane’s than Elizabeth’s. Darcy’s comments at the ball about her appearance would have hurt her, but she wouldn’t have set her heart against him. She, also, would never tease anyone, especially not in public like Elizabeth does in that first face-to-face interaction with Darcy. Anne is also too serious to have easy, playful manners. Darcy might recognize Anne’s intelligence, but that alone is unlikely to draw him in. He’d remain indifferent to her.

Elizabeth’s stay at Netherfield is when Darcy’s attraction to her grows into actual feelings. He’s still intrigued by her playfulness, wit, and teasing, but the care she shows her sister endears her to him. While Anne has a kind, nurturing nature and would go to Netherfield to care for Jane, she is still missing the spark to make Darcy see her as a love interest. His indifference might change to respect and possible admiration, and he might even strike up a friendship with her, but her politeness and reserved nature wouldn’t be enough to overcome his snobbery.

Darcy would still convince Bingley to abandon Netherfield. The Bennets would never see Bingley again as Darcy wouldn’t travel to Lady Catherine’s to see Anne. She would never have the chance to set him straight about Jane’s affection for Bingley, nor point out his snobbery. Since Anne isn’t determined to hate Darcy for all eternity, there’d be no story. Mr. Collins’ proposal would add little tension as Anne is practical and her mother would most likely persuade her to accept his hand. The story wouldn’t even have the tension Mr. Wickham’s appearance in Meryton brings, as Anne is an excellent judge of character and would see through Wickham’s act.

There’s a good possibility Anne would keep her assessment of Mr. Wickham’s character to herself, which is the only way I see Pride and Prejudice having a story with her in Elizabeth’s shoes. In this version, the story becomes a tragedy. Anne and Darcy would only ever be friends, at best. It’s unlikely he’d intervene on her behalf, leaving the family in ruin as Mr. Collins would break off the engagement. If Anne was married to Mr. Collins, the Bennet’s might have half a chance of avoiding ruin, but the scandal would continue to taint the family name.


1.      Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice (Toronto, Can.: Dover Publications, 1995), pg. 15.


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